God made old country roads for driving and dreaming.
The Country Village Shoppe's country "road" started in 2006 with memories of a little Wisconsin farm and some big dreams. My parents owned a family farm when I was growing up—a little place that planted the love of the country in our hearts. We learned the country way of life—a simpler, less stressful life where hard work offers the reward of time spent with family and fresh country air.

After many years, while we continued to live on the farm, my parents headed to work outside of the home, my father at Pierce Manufacturing making fire trucks, and my mother at an insurance company for Lutherans. I graduated college, got married, and welcomed two sons and a daughter.
My mom and I have always loved decorating, and when we saw the Country Sampler™ store in Appleton was available to purchase, she called me and asked, "Are you in?" I said "You bet!" And the Country Village Shoppe was born. At the time I was a stay at home mom with three busy, young children. Those were wonderful, crazy years!
The early Country Village Shoppe had a similar feel to the old Country Sampler™ stores, with over 100 crafters renting space and filling the store with their goods. Over time, we found that crafters were doing less and less handcrafting, and as crafters left, we replaced their areas with our own retail items. Today we still have a few handcrafters in the store and it is a joy to partner with them as they create unique items that look so wonderful in our homes. Our current retail location is over 10,000 square feet and located on the outskirts of the busiest shopping mall in Wisconsin.
In 2009, we decided to open up a small online store, just for fun. We look back at that first store now and chuckle, but everyone has to begin somewhere! With the help of our trusted team, we embarked on our next adventure, CountryVillageShoppe.com. This internet venture has allowed us to provide an outstanding selection to country décor lovers from cities to small towns all over the country and beyond! We continue to be committed to helping people, wherever they live, to express the truth that "Country is a state of mind."
Come on home to Country Village!
— Gina & Sandy